Our next trip in the van was the May long weekend, where we mooch-docked in a friend's driveway at a cottage on Lake Huron. It was great to be socializing again. It was really feeling like the pandemic was good and over. Well, it was until Hendrika tested positive for COVID and we had to sheepishly tell our hosts we had probably infected them and then made an abrupt exit.
Our original plan was a quick three-day, two-night trip in order to be home to support a family member having elective surgery. Instead it ended up being two weeks.
After the positive COVID test, we went to a Hendrika’s sister’s vacant home to wait out the isolation period. But, plans changed again when we got a call from one of Hendrika’s doctors, with concerns about an abscess that showed up in a CT scan done the previous week; he directed us to go to hospital right away. So, not really feeling the urgency the doctor had, the next morning we motored to the hospital close to home, and Hendrika went to the ED while I hung out in the van. (I was also testing positive by then.) Happily, a follow-up CT scan showed things had smoothed over so we were moving again. Not wanting to spread COVID at home, we spent a few days near Georgian Bay continuing to self-isolate. When Hendrika finally tested negative, I dropped her off at home, and I stayed in local parks close to home until I was negative and we could get back to normal.
All in all, a pretty crazy couple of weeks with lots of medical twists and turns.